Join us on Wednesday, September 27th, 6-8pm
National Truth and Reconciliation Day is on September 30th, and a question that settlers often reflect on is “What can I do?” The Anti-Oppression Working Group (AOWG) has organized a game night where we can join together as a community to unlearn anti-Indigenous racism, build Decolonizing practices, and move towards Reconciliation.
What: An invitation to play Ta7talíya Michelle Nahanee's Walking in Good Relations Sínulkhay (say-null-kai) & Ladders game. In small groups of 4-8 people, we will engage in discussion using the provided learning guide and prompts.
Why: To join together as a community to unlearn anti-Indigenous racism, build Decolonizing practices, and move towards Reconciliation.
Who: An open invitation to all Nelson parents
When: September 27, 6-8pm
Childcare is available
What: An invitation to play Ta7talíya Michelle Nahanee's Walking in Good Relations Sínulkhay (say-null-kai) & Ladders game. In small groups of 4-8 people, we will engage in discussion using the provided learning guide and prompts.
Why: To join together as a community to unlearn anti-Indigenous racism, build Decolonizing practices, and move towards Reconciliation.
Who: An open invitation to all Nelson parents
- AOWG members will host the game which means setting up the room and introducing the game and instruction.
- Participants will take collective responsibility for community care and individual responsibility for self-care and will exercise the right to leave the session if it is not serving them.
When: September 27, 6-8pm
Childcare is available
Space is limited! Sign up here.