How Can you Help?
This is a COMMUNITY event, which means it will take a whole community to make it happen! There are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities to choose from - Sign up early to get first dibs on the best gigs!
- Take on a lead role for one of the fair tables (Facepaint/tattoos, Jolly Jars, Crafts, Concession, Bake Sale, Safe Zone tent)
- Help with set-up on the day, from 1:30pm-3pm
- Help run an activity/table on the day, either from 3-5pm or 5-7pm
- Help with tear-down after the event, from 7-8:30pm (usually it wraps up much faster than expected!)
- Loan some equipment to make it a smooth event (tables, tents, garbage bins, coolers, extension cords....)